The allowable tolerance of the seat pressure: ≤±3% of the set pressure
Overpressure: ≤10% of the set pressure
Blowdown: ≤10% of the set pressure
Leakage: The valve has good seat tightness and the leakage rate conforms to API 527
Design: ASME, API 526, API 520, ASME B 16.5
Orifice Code: T
Body / Bonnet: ASTM A216 WCB
Valve Disc: 316/PTFE
Guide: 316
Spring: 316
Flange Pressure Grade: Inlet Class 150 LB & Outlet Class 150 LB
Sizes Range: Inlet 8 Inch & Outlet 10 Inch
Inlet Temperature Range: -29 ℃ ~ + 260 ℃
Test and Inspection: API 527